Horseheads Intermediate School
Name: | The official name of our school is the Horseheads Intermediate School. It is often abbreviated as "IS". Our mascot is the Raider, along with the Middle and High schools. Follow our hashtag #ISinnovators on Twitter to see what's going on throughout the school year. |
Teams: | Grades 5 and 6 operate as teams. Each team changes for at least two (2) academic subjects; the choice of which subjects is up to the individual teams. |
Teacher Assignments: | Students will receive notification of their teacher assignment typically in the second week of August. The school will be open for self-guided tours onThursday, August 22 from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. and Tuesday, August 27 from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Mr. Bostwick, Mr. Stowell, and PTO members will be present to answer questions. Also, don’t forget to sign up here for the orientation program for our fifth-graders and new students. |
Buses: | Students who are bused to school are not on Middle/High School buses. Some students may get bused to an elementary school to transfer to another bus for the Intermediate School. TThis may take place in the morning depending on your location. More information will come from the Transportation Department prior to the start of school. |
Drop-Off/Pick-Up Sites: | The back of the school by the Fieldhouse is reserved for buses before school hours. Students can be dropped off at the front of the building no earlier than 7:40 a.m. Afternoon pick-up will take place in the upper parking lot by the basketball hoops. Afternoon pick-up will take place under our front canopy after parking in the upper main lot. A detailed procedure will be sent separately when all details are finalized. |
Time: | The Intermediate School schedule is 8:25 a.m. to 2:25 p.m. Students who arrive to school after 8:25 a.m. will be marked as tardy. |
PTO: | Our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meets one Tuesday of each month (generally the third Tuesday) at 6:00 p.m. in the library. They support our school in many ways including Family Nights and after-school clubs. We welcome volunteers for these activities and more. Student clubs vary from year to year. They have included robotics, chess, technology, crafts, foreign language, math, battle of the books, and more. |
Code of Conduct: | Students are expected to follow the district Code of Conduct, including the following:
Chorus/Band/ Orchestra/ Advanced Art: | We have a 5th Grade Choir and a 6th Grade Choir. We also offer a select Show Choir in the second half of the school year for 6th grade students who wish to try out. There is one section of each of the following: 5th Grade Band, 6th Grade Band, 5th Grade Orchestra, and 6th Grade Orchestra. Students typically receive instrumental lessons during the school day. There are two sections of Advanced Art at each grade level. Students qualify for Advanced Art basked on elementary school recommendations and a placement test that is given at the beginning of the school year. |
Cafeteria: | The Intermediate and Middle schools have separate cafeterias. Breakfast and lunch are served for the Intermediate students in the cafeteria just like in the elementary schools. The only difference is that students choose their selection when they are in the lunch line, rather than in the morning. Students sit with their team during lunch. |
Schedule/ Specials: | Classes are on a six-day cycle, as in our PreK-4 schools. During that cycle, students attend the following classes twice: physical education, music, and art. They go to the library once in a six-day cycle, and technology is embedded using laptop carts in all classrooms. Foreign languages, FACS, and technology classes begin in grade 7 at the Middle School. |
Physical Education: | Students use the Fieldhouse as well as the MS/IS gym. Students do not change clothes for physical education class. Some PE units in the fall and spring take place outdoors, so students will need to dress appropriately. |
Library: | Although the Intermediate and Middle School libraries occupy the same large area, they are separate libraries, with their own librarian. The Intermediate School has access to the reference materials of the Middle School Library. At the librarian's discretion and with her guidance, some students may be able to check out books from the MS Library. |
Technology: | The IS has a 1:1 computer initiative meaning all students will be assigned their own laptop. It will not be sent home daily unless permitted by the teacher for schoolwork purposes only. Internet access is available on all devices, and it is closely monitored. |
Recess: | Students have a 15-minute recess outside if the weather permits based on scheduled times. |
Restrooms: | Some classrooms have restrooms in the room. There are larger restrooms located in different areas in the hallways. All restrooms are sanitized regularly. |
Morning Announcements: | There are morning announcements every day, either over the PA system or broadcast on our televisions by the WISH TV Club. Important information about activities, club opportunities, and more, are shared on the announcements. |
School Store: | The Middle School Store, run by Middle School students, is available for Intermediate students during most lunch periods. |
Lockers: | There are no lockers in the Intermediate School. |
Connect with Mr. Bostwick on Twitter: @M_Bostwick
School hashtag: #ISinnovators
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