Horseheads Community/District-Wide
Character Education Traits
(Modeled from the Six Pillars of Character)
- Show integrity; be honest
- Be reliable; do what you say you'll do
- Have the courage to do the right thing
- Build a good reputation
- Be loyal; stand by your family & friends
- Treat others the way you want to be treated
- Be tolerant of differences
- Use good manners and positive language
- Be considerate of the feelings of others
- Deal peacefully in times of conflict
- Do what you are expected to do
- Persevere; keep on trying
- Always try to do your best
- Use self-control; be self-disciplined
- Think before you act; consider the consequences
- Be accountable for your choices/actions
- Play by the rules
- Take turns and share
- Be open-minded; listen to others
- Treat all people equally
- Consider all opinions
- Be kind
- Be compassionate and show you care
- Express gratitude
- Forgive others
- Help people in need
- Do your share to make your school, community and environment better
- Cooperate
- Stay informed; vote
- Be a good neighbor
- Respect authority; obey laws and rules
Horseheads Intermediate School 952 Sing Sing Road Horseheads, NY 14845 Phone: 607-739-6366 Fax: 607-795-2495 Grades: 5-6 Hours: 8:25am - 2:25pm
, Principal 607-739-6366
, School Nurse 607-739-6366
• Explore • Empower • Excel
© copyright 2025, Horseheads Central School District